The decision was taken by the promoters of 8 agencies on the line of the cities of Douala and Yaoundé.
On the Douala-Yaoundé/Yaoundé-Douala route, travelers will now pay the sum of 3500 FCFA to get in possession of a classic bus ticket. A revaluation of 500 FCFA on the transport ticket, decided by the promoters of 8 travel agencies, grouped within the Employers' Organization of Unions of Carriers and Auxiliaries of Cameroon (Opstac). This tariff increase took effect on December 1st.
Opstac justifies the upward revision of the price of the transport ticket in conventional buses by an inflation of production costs: "the readjustment of the travel ticket of conventional buses decided by the promoters of public intercity travel agencies for travelers (…..) is the result of the increase in many items in their various operating accounts, not to mention the tax burden and the pressure of parataxation," reads the statement made public by the organization. According to her, the increase in the travel ticket between these two cities "is below Order No. 0006 / Mincommerce of 8 March 2021, setting the harmonized rates for urban transport by intercity taxis, buses, and buses throughout the national territory. »