They were recorded between 27 October and 29 November 2021 in the communes of Ekondo-Titi and Bakassi according to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
A cholera epidemic is making its nest in the southwest, precisely in the localities of Ekondo-Titi and Bakassi. No less than 189 cases have been reported in these areas since 27 October 2021 informs Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
"The Ekondo-Titi Health District has recorded more than 160 cases of cholera, with 62 patients hospitalized in the Cholera Treatment Unit, 15 patients treated at the oral rehydration point and 5 deaths recorded. The Bakassi Health District also recorded 29 cases of cholera including three deaths from 27 October to 29 November 2021. The situation is particularly worrying because it means that the disease has spread in the community," says Donatien Tshishimbi, medical coordinator of Médecins Sans Frontières.
According to the organization, with difficult access to health care, precarious health facilities aggravated by the ongoing conflict, the epidemic is likely to last longer than expected. But to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control, MSF has set up two cholera treatment centres, one in Bamusso and the other in Barack. "The treatment will be free. Meals and transport provided for all patients referred to these Cholera Treatment Units (UTC)," MSF informs.
In 2019, 39,000 people were vaccinated against cholera and 239 people treated for waterborne disease in the same region of the country by Médecins Sans Frontières teams. The NGO has been carrying out humanitarian actions in Cameroon since 1984. Except that, after a suspension decided by the Cameroonian government, MSF ceased its activities in the North-West.