The Minister of Public Health visited the Laquintinie Hospital (Douala) on March 31, where the specialized cholera treatment center is located.
The cholera epidemic is gaining ground in the Littoral. According to the regional delegate of public health of the region, 640 suspected cases are recorded including 27 deaths. The disease affects 13 health districts for a case fatality rate of 44.5%.
At the Laquintinie hospital in Douala, 56 cases have been received since the beginning of the epidemic on February 18, informs Dr. Kamdem, infectiologist and responsible for the management of cholera cases in this health facility.
Of these patients admitted to this hospital, 36 come from New Bell Central Prison. To date, 60 cases and 5 deaths have been recorded. In response, a team from the Minsanté began yesterday Wednesday the vaccination of inmates and prison staff.
At the same time, the health authorities prescribe the systematic disinfection of the penitentiary center, the emptying of the pits, the removal of garbage 2 times a day instead of once.