Two inmates of Douala's central prison took the gunpowder during an operation to transfer cholera-sick prisoners.
The ongoing cholera outbreak at New Bell Central Prison has given prisoners the opportunity to escape. According to Joël Fopa, regional delegate of the Littoral prison administration, these prisoners were returning from care at the New-Bell district hospital. "We had a few cases there, which were put back in the forest and returned to the prison where we recorded two escapes," he said without giving further details.
Between 21 and 30 March, Douala Central Prison reported 127 cases of cholera and 5 deaths. According to data from the prison authority, 99 cases are under observation at the prison medical centre and 12 cases are being treated at Laquintinie Hospital.
The insalubrity in this prison environment is at the origin of the spread of cholera. To contain the disease, "We encouraged our medical team and employees to densify sanitation, hygiene, cleaning, emptying of pits. And develop a dense partnership with Hysacam for the permanent and automatic emptying of garbage because it turns out that it is the inmates who use themselves in the garbage cans who were the first victims." said the regional delegate of the Littoral prison administration to journalist Armelle Sitchoma.