The prefect of Logone and Chari has signed decrees, with a view to limiting public gatherings.
It is now forbidden and until further notice, any gathering of more than 10 people on the public road in the districts of Kousseri, Logone Birni and Zina, in the Far North region. A decree signed on December 11 by the prefect of Logone and Chari, Jean Ndongo Ndongo, puts in place this provision. In addition, the circulation of civilian nautical craft on the Logone River between the aforementioned districts is prohibited from this day, specifies a second decree signed by the head of land.
In the aftermath, the peace mission carried out by the governor of the Far North region, Midjiyawa Bakari and which ended yesterday 12 December, allowed the administrative authorities to meet with the leaders of the communities involved in the conflict, as well as traditional and religious authorities. Another government mission is planned in the coming days and will be led by the Minister of Territorial Administration, René Emmanuel Sadi.