The president of the Cameroonian League of Consumers (LCC) deplores the exorbitant rate of a value of 0.2% imposed on mobile money transfers.
The entry into force of the 0.2% tax since January1 does not make people happy. To this end, the Cameroonian League of Consumers (LCC) "asks the President of the Republic, to take an order to reduce this tax by 0.1%". Because this new tax "strongly penalizes the wallet of consumers," says Delor Magellan Kamseu, president of the LCC. In its view, the operators concerned should abolish the costs of receiving transfers. Due to invoicing upstream of the shipment.
In the aftermath, the LCC "regrets the failure to take into account the consumer's right to representation, a provision contained in Framework Law N 2011/012 of 6 May 2011, on consumer protection, consumer representatives. The Cameroonian Consumer League, in particular, were not involved in the examination of the draft Preliminary Draft of this Law". In addition, the organization encourages consumers to "use other methods of remittances, not surcharged: Express Union, Express Exchange… to carry out their operations".