In his speech, Maurice Kamto, the president of the CRM returned to the multiple convictions of the members of his party by the judicial institution. On 31 December, he reaffirmed his support for them.

Maurice Kamto describes as inhuman and cruel the treatment inflicted on MRC activists and sympathizers imprisoned since September 2020. “Faced with this injustice, the judicial institution and the magistrates have cowardly chosen the side of the executioners. Those arrested are all civilians. But they have nevertheless been sued before the military courts (..). Thus, state hatred wants to hit MRC activists and sympathizers in their flesh and morale. ” said the boss of the MRC.

In the aftermath, Maurice Kamto said that the national resistance would continue until victory. He also praised the bravery of his imprisoned supporters. “To the women and men who, despite the torture, the various humiliations and the maneuvers of the regime’s reversal, have not betrayed the cause, I would like to express my admiration for their patriotism and dignity in the ordeal. They are a model of courage and self-sacrifice. They should inspire youth. As long as I live, I will fight so that one day, the homeland will be grateful to them. »

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