Jean de Dieu Momo is the Minister Delegate for Justice in Cameroon. He had an appointment at the University of Douala. Professor Magloire Ondoa was to preside over the jury that was to examine the work of the Minister. His research focuses on political demobilization and democratization in Cameroon, contribution to Africanization, and political governance. Debates about the scientific scope are heated. "Your democracy back to basics, okay; asks Magloire Ondoa. But can you even tell me what is called Africa. Is there an African culture? or African cultures? "

But the minister Jean de Dieu Momo does not let himself be defeated: "We cannot, and you are right, separate ourselves from this subjectivity. I chose him in 2014, when I am in another life, a political actor of the opposition."

The questions were solid, so much so that his Thesis Director, Pr Auguste Ngeuletou, came to his rescue: "he is a candidate who allows himself to be directed, who integrates with ease the observations made to him in the context of our scientific exchanges. In this respect, I believe I was largely satisfied."

However, there were a lot of difficulties in the research. The main one is that of giving up the hat of a politician for that of a scientist.

They were kind enough to admit me to the sacred forest of learned society. I can only rejoice, explains Dr. Jean de Dieu Momo. But by telling me that you have to take my marks because there you heard how they speak. There, it's discussed with a knife."

After three hours of clockwork, the president of the jury reads the verdict. Momo Jean de Dieu was awarded the Right Honorable mention with congratulations from the jury. The room exults.

Congratulations Doctor.

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