A project that will be implemented in three major public schools with a view to the advent of digital governance in the country.
Cameroonian governance aims to digitize. To achieve this, South Korea will invest an envelope of 4 billion FCFA in 2022 for the construction of three digital campuses in the country, we learn from the site Invest in Cameroon.
A project that, according to the Cameroonian Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Reform "constitutes a fundamental step in administrative reform, which announces the advent of e-Government to ensure a transition to digital governance".
The three digital campuses in the making will train around 4,000 young people each year. Funded by Koica, the Korean government's secular arm of international cooperation, the above-mentioned digital infrastructure will be built, it is learned, at the National School of Administration and Magistracy (Enam), the National School of Posts, Telecommunications and Technologies and Information and Communication (Sup'ptic), and the Higher Institute of Public Management (ISMP).