In the public procurement journal of the Public Procurement Regulatory Agency, published on 15 February 2022, a notice of call for tenders under the national emergency procedure was opened by the national port authority. It relates to the updating of the feasibility study of the Limbé deep-water port (PEP) construction project.
With a financing of around 400 billion FCFA, the project of the deep-water port of Limbé has been dormant since 2013. A decree of President Paul Biya dated May 5, 2020 tried to titillate the program. Two years later, the National Port Authority is in the process of updating the feasibility study of this port project.
According to the Ministry of Transport, the deep-water port of Limbe will specialize in the transport of hydrocarbons. It provides an average of 14 meters of draught, capable of treating vessels of more than 40,000 tons.